Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Month of Fear 2016

Here are my first two artworks for the first two weeks challenges of Month of Fear.

The first one is Secrets:

Her secret
ecoline and ink on paper,
8 x 12 cm.
I took inspiration from a Carlo Magno’s legend, in which he was in love with a beautiful princess, who was hiding a secret underneath her tongue (a magic ring). That ring was the real object of Carlo Magno’s love for the princess; infact he wanted to keep her next to him in his bed, even though she was dead. 
And here is the other illustration for the second week of Month of FearWicked.

Wicked waters

indian ink and watercolors on paper,
10 cm of diameter

“Wicked” also means “sinful” and, recently, I had been reading an assay about women’s sins during the Medieval age and it deeply inspired me. The image shows a sinful woman underwater. 
Unfortunately, the original image was too large to be uploaded. You can find the circular version on my deviantart profile:

Hope you like them, have a good day! ^^

Monday, 10 October 2016