Sunday, 22 November 2015

Hipster commission

I have a new commission for a canvas in these days: 
my client asked me for a painting of a hipster gentleman, so that she can expose it in her hairdresser shop.
Currently I've done a few sketches for the final canvas and I'm waiting for my client's opinion (I hope she likes them!).
Have a nice day and, if interested, you can check out my tumblr updates! 

November 2015, colored oil pencils on paper.

October 2015, indian ink and pencils on paper.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Month of Fear : Beneath the Fog

During these two passed days I've made an illustration for the Month of Fear 2015 contest. 

This is the link of my work on tumblr:

It represents a banshee screaming in the fog. The banshee is a female spirit in Irish mythology, usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from another world; in fact, a banshee is a fairy woman who begins to wail if someone is about to die. The banshee has long, white hair and red eyes (worn out for the tears) and you can hear her screaming and wondering in the barrows. I've always been fascinated by this mythical figure and I hope that my interpretation will be appreciated! Bonne journée! 

This is the original drawing made with watercolors, indian ink and white pen on paper.

Beneath the Fog

This is the final version of the drawing re-elaborated with photoshop.

Friday, 9 October 2015


I finally made my personal tumblr account and at the beginning I was quite excited about it (mostly because I was told that it was great), but at the end of the day I don't actually use it too much.. Just in order to post some works, but that's all! 

If you want to take a look at my tumblr:

And here are some other three little sketches I've made during these days.. Bonne soirée! 

Colored pencils, markers and white pen on paper.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Sara leaves

This is a new draw I made with one of my friends for another friend who will leave for an year of Erasmus in Leeds. I tried for the first time to draw on a photographic paper using indian ink and écoline; the effect that we achieve was really impressive and I long to do it again.

Indian ink and écoline on photographic paper.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

My Personal Website

During this month I've been making my own personal website, which is meant to be my business card. 
It contains my main works, a short biography and some of my expositions and commissions. 
If you're interested on knowing more about me and my works you may take a look at my shout out..:

...Or, directly, enter my personal website:

Thursday, 9 July 2015

New caricatures

These are the latest caricatures I've made for one of my friend's graduation. In our group of friends we have this particular tradition of doing two caricatures for one person (one more funny and naïf, the other one more sexy and mischievous). Usually my friend Carla and I work together for the graduand, but, since this time the person who was supposed to graduate was Carla, I've done the two caricatures of her! It has been a lovely day and I'm very proud of her! I hope you'll enjoy them, bonne journée!

P.s.: If you are interested on having any sort of caricatures, you can contact me by e-mail ( ) or on facebook ( ). 


Monday, 15 June 2015

Thinking about homeland

Lately I've been making some commissions for dear friends and one of them asked me this portrait of her. I know it might be nothing special, but I wanted to give also the impression that there was something in her mind in that moment, even though maybe there was nothing special (she's a woman who lives and works here at San Quirico (VI, Italy), but she left her family in Ukraine). It's made with watercolors and indian ink on paper. I hope you'll appreciate it, bonne journée! 

Monday, 1 June 2015


Since my friends and I passed the third year of university, a friend of mine and I worked hard on various caricatures: drawings of our friends, which are going to appear on the "papiro" (the graduate's life written on a poster). Here are some of my friends' caricatures. 

If any of you needs a caricature, I'll be willing and pleased to do it (my mail is: )! Have a nice day! 





Wednesday, 6 May 2015


In this period I'm looking for the Academy where I'm going to spend my last two years of studies. I've been to Liège and seen again my dear fellows at Tournai; I've visited the Academy of Turin, but it hasn't given me the right hint to follow there my new studies. So maybe now I'm thinking on visiting the school of Brera in order to follow Art-therapy, but I still have to make up my mind..We'll see.. 
Anyway, this is a project I made two months ago for a contest at the Biennale di Soncino [a biennial exposition in the city of Soncino (CR, Lombardia)]. It's title is Fetal, as you can see from the position of the young lady, and it talks about the differences between the nature life and the human life. The three photos show three landscapes and macros of natural places and they symbolise (from left to right) birth, life and death; they're unified by the drawing of a female body in a fetal position. The fetal position is a symbol of protection and inner reflection and it may reveal a new rebirth of the spirit.

Hope you appreciate it, bonne journée à tous! 

Up here you have the sketch for Fetal made with indian ink and watercolors on paper.

These are the three photos of landscapes and macros of nature.

And at last you have the final work: Fetal, white pen and photos on black paper, 50 x 70 cm.

Friday, 10 April 2015


Wait..Think. it's a project for which I've been working since one month already (mostly because of the dry timing of the canvas..)and it will be exposed for the Valdagno che legge (Valdagno reads) week in a bar of my city. The aim of this project is to associate a part of a book to the artistic work; the theme was By reading nature.. and, in my case, I directly thought about Hermann Hesse's novel Siddharta (I'll post the quote in italian, because I read it in this language ).

"[...] Quando si risvegliò dopo parecchie ore, fu come se dieci anni fossero trascorsi: udì il lieve sussurrare dell'acqua, e non sapeva dove fosse, né chi l'avesse portato qui; schiuse gli occhi, guardò con meraviglia gli alberi e il cielo sulla propria testa, e si ricordò dove fosse, e come fosse venuto qui. Ma gli occorse per questo un certo tempo, e il passato gli apparve come avvolto in un velo, infinitamente lontano, infinitamente superato, infinitamente indifferente. Sapeva solo di aver abbandonato la propria vita di un tempo, sapeva solo che, pieno di disgusto e di miseria, aveva perfino voluto far getto della vita, ma che lungo il fiume, sotto un albero di cocco, era ritornato in sé, [...] egli si conosceva, conosceva la propria mano e i propri piedi, conosceva il luogo in cui giaceva, conosceva quest'Io contenuto nel suo petto, questo Siddharta, ostinato, strano, ma questo Siddharta, poi, era ancora mutato, rinnovato, mirabilmente riscosso dal suo torpore, mirabilmente ridesto, lieto e bramoso."

At first sight, my painting might be a little creepy, but I would like to associate it to a personal rebirth, due to the observation of nature and its changes.. I took inspiration from Tomas Rücker's photography (I think that his work is sublime) 

The following is the sketch made with indian ink on paper.

And this is the canvas (oil on canvas, 70 x 50 cm.).

Friday, 27 March 2015


Lately, I'm working on improving my watercolors skills, after my friends bought me a stock of watercolors and brushes for my thesis. I'm not so used to watercolors, but I hope to improve and to get to a personal and an original way to use them. These two are my first tests of drawing with watercolors and they show two different places: the first one is the "Molen De Valk" a windmill tower in the city of Leiden (Netherlands); the second shows a vew of the leaning tower of Pisa. Have a good day! 

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Vanitas (Golden Canvas)

 I finally finished my first three years of academy on the twenty-fifth of February and now I have to find the right academy for my fourth and fifth year of studies. Here are five canvas for my final exame (the last photo shows the reflect of light on the gold foil on the canvas). They were supposed to explain the vanity of the material assets by showing them with the five senses. They're all 50 x 50 cm, made with golden leave, indian ink and acrylic colors (2014 - 2015).